Happy 50th Anniversary to the NIC!
NATO International Club – 17 February 1972 Meeting of the NATO International Club on 17 February 1972 with SecGen Randers
A short history of the NIC from the NIC President:
The club was founded in November, 1970.
Tennis, Bowling, Swimming, International Recipe Exchange and “Keep Fit” were some of the activities that year.
In 1971 the activities of the NATO International Staff Wives Club (this was the original name of our Club) were published five times yearly in a newsletter which was distributed through the NATO offices of International Staff husbands. Two years later, the newsletters were mailed directly to the home of each of the 800 International Staff Wives. There were three General Meetings per year for all members. Fur Fashion Shows, Afternoon Teas and Demonstrations in the Art of Arranging Flowers for decoration were some of the most popular events within the Club.

The topic of the first Talk (what is now our Coffee Morning) was : “Should NATO worry about the Environment?”
Tombola and the Spring Bazaar were also very popular. In 1979, a gorgeous hat was a door prize in the Tombola!
1979 Newsletter, known as “The Yellow Pages”
The Newsletter was called “The Yellow Pages”, because it was printed on yellow paper. It was not until 2005, when keeping in line with NATO efforts for gender balance, the International Staff Wives Club decided to change its name to the NATO International Club.
In 2008 the NIC had a stand of his own at the NATO Charity Bazaar for the first time, Nicole Ferrier is the Honorary President of the NIC.
Don’t miss out on the chance of browsing through all of these memorable images, documents and pictures from the NIC Archives.
Letters of the 1970’s Archives of the NIC French Class Artists’ Corner Recipe Exchange Two NIC members working Archive Letters with Calling Cards
A Special Banner to Commemorate
this 50th Anniversary of the NIC:
Under the umbrella of this stormy year, it occurs to me that a handmade embroidery banner would be something nice to keep the International spirit alive. Therefore, I made it with a double fabric lining for all of you to sign with your name and country. This item can prevail in the coming years as a legacy for ours successors.
Commemorative Banner Back waiting for signatures! Our motto for this season!
When we are allowed to resume our Coffee Mornings, I will be very happy to bring it for you to see and sign!