Dear friends, As the season of Autumn continues, I am delighted to see November’s calendar and realize how many opportunities […]
October 2021
Dear NIC Friends, Loly, our NIC President, has honored me with the opportunity to write this month’s welcome message and […]
September 2021
Dear NIC’s friends, Welcome to the new season 2021-2022!!! I truly hope that you have had a very relaxing summer […]
June 2021
Dear friends, June is finally here!!! It is hard to believe that together we have already reached the end of […]
May 2021
Dear friends, We have already reached the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar. May is a captivating period for both […]
April 2021
Dear friends, The daylight hours are getting longer, the temperatures are rising and flowers and plants are popping up everywhere. […]
March 2021
Dear friends, Are you ready for a spring renewal? In the month of March winter is coming to an end […]
February 2021
Dear friends, Welcome to the New Year 2021. May the year ahead of us be filled with health, joy and […]
December 2020 & January 2021
Dear NIC´s friends, The last month of the year is upon us. How time flies!! The 2020 holiday season is […]
November 2020
Dear friends, After the last round of Belgium restrictions, it is easy to become stressed out and exhausted, not only […]