Dear friends, Happy 50th ANNIVERSARY of the NATO International Club!!!! It was in 1970 when a small group of women […]
September 2020
Dear friends, Welcome to the new NIC season 2020-2021. I truly hope that you have had a relaxing summer with […]
Late Summer
Dear Friends of the NIC – We have all experienced such a strange set of months in finding our new […]
April 2020
Dearest Friends of the NIC, It’s not difficult today to find a theme for this message. What an enormous issue […]
March 2020
Dear Friends of the NIC! Spring is just around the corner and the NIC has a lot of outdoor and […]
February 2020
Dear Friends of the NIC, Here we are in a month of alternating bright days and gray days, with temperatures […]
December 2019 & January 2020
Happy Holidays Friends of the NIC! This busy season finds us happy and grateful for all the people who make […]
November 2019
Dear Friends of the NIC! The NATO International Club is more than a club for cultural, learning, or free time […]
October 2019
Dear Friends of the NATO International Club! Welcome to October and a season full of new activities and friends — […]
September 2019
Dear Friends of the NIC! In September we enter a season of new beginnings: school, clubs, activities and business routines […]