Dear friends,
It may seem unbelievable, but it is once again time to bring another season to a close. On this occasion, its number fifty-two.
Therefore, it is also the moment for some of us to put our finishing touch on this fascinating country.
Without a doubt, the time has come for me and for many of you to close another stage in our lives. Don’t you have the feeling that time is flying by? I definitely do. I would like to sincerely thank you all NIC friends for the beautiful moments together. If any of you were to ask me to define in one word my experience in Brussel, without thinking about it, only one word would be possible: NIC friends.
It has been an honour for me to serve on the NATO International Club and represent my country. Without a doubt, I will always be grateful from the bottom of my heart to those of you who encouraged and trust me to lead this endearing organization. Honestly, it has been one of the greatest learning experiences at all levels I have ever had.
During these two last years of serving the NIC, I have always been inspired by all the talented members who volunteer for this team. Ladies, your generous contribution and dedication will always be an example not only for me but also for others.
Finally, as a farewell I would like to share with all of you the best quote I keep close to me in my daily life: “ I’ve learned that people will forget what you said or what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Thank you NIC friends for making me feel so good. I will miss you all very much!!!
Con cariño,

PS: “It’s because everything ends that everything is so beautiful”
Charles Ramuz (1878 – 1947)