Dear friends,
March 2022 is just ahead. I can’t believe that this third month of the year is in fact my third time living in Brussels in the month of March.
Now, it seems the NIC AGAIN has the chance to reactivate most of its fabulous activities. Let’s celebrate it!!! I am aware that most of you have once again forced yourself to be active, to get out of your comfort zone and give yourself permission to enjoy everyday as much as possible.
Enjoying the simple things in life is what I encourage each of you to do during the coming months ahead. How can we reach this goal?
Well, I would say that we all are in the best place to put this philosophy of life into practice. All these kinds of sensations and experiences that make us feel good, can be found through our NIC activities. I am going to show you some of them and I am confident that at some time you have already experienced some of them. If not, this is your chance!!
“The smell of fresh coffee when an activity is hosted at someone´s home, the reading of a book from our Book Club, the enjoyment of nature through our walks, a nice chat with other members at the CM’s, the pleasure of hunting a treasure at Marolles and sharing it on NIC FB, sharing and learning a new recipe or a new English word to enrich your vocabulary, the excitement of playing with friends a board table, the satisfaction of taking a good picture through some of the cultural activities or the good feeling when you create a handmade item and share it with others ”.
I guess that I would need two President messages to describe /show you the variety of options we can take advantage of in order to enjoy the little pleasures together.
And, without any hesitation let’s start putting into practice our NIC goal now, by reading our awaited monthly newsletter and finding the activity which fits you the best.
Con cariño,

Belle Epoque Centrum
Blankenberge, Belgium

Enjoying the simple things in life
Blankenberge Beach, Belgium