Dear friends,
With the beginning of March, we stand between winter and spring. The time when new life begins to emerge from the hibernation and we start to notice the delicate green leaf buds, enchanting birdsongs, and the gurgling of spring waters. We need to stop to admire this beauty and tranquility, otherwise it will pass us by too quickly.
The beauty of life lies in doing things together and being together. In March, we have many opportunities to do that. There are different national days to celebrate – World Maths Day, Be Nasty Day, International Women’s Day to name the few. I hope that everyone finds something they would like to celebrate, whether a birthday or a national day they hold dear. The International Women’s Day, has grown into a worldwide celebration whose main purpose is to celebrate the historical, cultural, and political achievements of women. I believe it is important to draw attention towards gender inequality and raise awareness of women’s daily struggles. The goal of celebrating this day is to strive for an equal society.
I wish that you will do whatever makes you happy and be with whomever brings brightness to your life and smiles to your faces.
With love,
William Shakespeare (The Winter’s Tale)
That come before the swallow dares, and take
The winds of March with beauty.”