Dear Friends,
We are entering into the month of All Souls’, affiancing and cold (according to the Estonian traditional folklore) and the anticipation of Christmas is quietly starting to build. At the same time, we still have all the other busy dates ahead before we can fully start enjoying the holiday season. Thus, let’s start by paying respects to as many people from the past as we can remember by lighting candles and just simply thinking of them.
The situation in the world is challenging. We should not let it affect us too much but rather keep ourselves and our loved ones on the wave of light and positivity. A positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
Therefore, I would like to remind you that “you are enough”. May this thought inspire you.
Don’t forget! Our annual NATO Charity Bazaar will take place on November 20, where we all have the chance to contribute for a good cause.
With love,