1 October 2022
Dear Friends,
The first month of our new season has passed and we have already reached October which got its name from the Latin word “eight”. Number eight symbolizes wealth, prosperity, peace, and fertility. This is the time when farmers harvest their crops, and the nature takes on a new look waiting for you to explore – take a walk in the forest, collect fallen leaves of different colors, be creative and craft, give your house a Halloween makeover.
October is a month when people tend to slow down and look inward. It gives us the opportunity to appreciate the small things around us. This is the time to reach out to our close ones.
The September Equinox, where the day and night have the same length, has just passed and there is a dark period of six months ahead of us. Let us all be the bearers of light to each other during that time, keeping in mind that the fight between good and evil is eternal, but that good will always win, every day, in small footsteps, starting from ourselves.
It’s a month of Halloween. I hope that this year everyone who wishes will have the opportunity to go trick-or-treating, carve pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, attend costume parties, and just enjoy the moment.
Wishing brightness to your eyes and light to your hearts!
With love,