Dear Friends

February, the shortest month of the year, is known as the border between winter and spring. We have successfully started a new year after lovely and cozy holidays with spring yet to come.

Despite the cold in February, there are several festivities ahead. For example, one of those being a Valentine’s Day for lovers. It is celebrated more like a day for friends and friendship instead of lovers in some of the countries, since it hasn’t been a common tradition in their past. Even though we should celebrate and remember our friends all the time, it is still delightful to have a special day that reminds us to appreciate our friends and friendships.

Another date is the Independence Day of Estonia, 24 February, which marks the anniversary of the Estonian Declaration of Independence in 1918.  This day is celebrated with parades, concerts, and parties all around the country. It is important to understand the histories of the nations where all of us come from and what our predecessors have had to endure in order for us to live in a free and open country, especially given today’s situation.

Therefore, I invite you all to our next Coffee Morning on the 14th of February where our dear members from Estonia will give us a tour around their country. Come and find out why it’s about time to visit Estonia!

with love,