Dear friends,

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful summer full of fun, joy and adventure. Now it is time to return to our routine in Brussels – but it’s a great routine, isn’t it? I must admit that I’m writing this letter while still basking in the warm Mediterranean sun of late summer, but I’m already thinking about what’s coming next. We are ready to restart all our activities, but, hold on tight, we need you and we need new ideas for the coming year…

Can you cook a huge turkey in a European oven? Can you cook a Sunday roast with a Belgian cut? Do you love to sing despite your family not appreciating your passion? Do you like to paint but the results are closer to Picasso than

No problem. That’s what we are here for! Join us for the coming year, so that we can have fun together and share our passions.

By the way we are still looking for a few people who would like to be part of the Board, and if you are able to host a coffee morning, please let us know! The more the merrier!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

